Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Toot Toot

 There's a bit of Shepherds Pi and the Farmyard Tour that gives points for audio control, so this is our take on it. This doesn't do much, listens for a whistle and then provides basic interpretation into commands. One whistle 'toot' is a command, as well as two and three, and after a brief interlude, the last command is cancelled. 

For this, a Pi pico is paired with a microphone....and a whistle...feeding the ADC of the pico with the audio signal, and then running an FFT against the signal to pick out the whistles' frequency, 2k7Hz in this case and converts blasts it into a logic signal.

As with the other attachments, this supports the WHOU enquiry, GPIO handshake and returns the info of TOOT, TOO2 and TOO3 as commands.  Power and serial comms are via USB for easy attachment.

Seems a bit of a small post, but it's a complete sub-project that contributes.

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