Firstly, we have now moved from being a PiWars 2024 reserve team to being in the competition. It may have seemed like we already were, but now it's official.
These are a few pictures of the build/rebuild of our robot entry Zyderbot. We wanted two so that we could practice for the High Noon challenge and a rebuild also tidies up the ragged edges of quick modifications that accumulate along the way.
To start, a new design and layout for the front component base.
And with a components attached, from the top, 12V distribution, regulator and LiPo battery box.
Beneath this is the front chassis. The two brushless motors are shown mounted, and the central tunnel is the fitting for the rotation axis of the suspension.
Next up is the fitting of the cab cover with the battery bay exposed.
And again with the bonnet/battery cover screwed on and a couple of wheels fitted.
The rebuild took a break over Christmas, but was soon underway again afterwards. Always good to see a tidy construction area!!!
While Zyderbot will complete most challenges autonomously, the remote control will be provided by a helicopter RC controller and associated IC's
Once breadboarded, the final circuit is constructed on a piece of stripboard. For the curious, this is a FrSky SBUS receiver / transmitter feeding an SN74AHC14N Schmitt trigger inverter at 5 Volts then a KeeYees level converter to get 3.3 Volts for the Pico
The rear layout of Zyderbot is a separate section with it's own layout.
And with the components fitted. It can look neat until the wiring starts!
Oh dear, it all does something but covering it up for sanity's sake is advisable.
Completed, here it is, a new build. On/off switch relocated to the top of the cab for easy access, front headlights to evenly illuminate targets. Bonnet colour changed to avoid conflicts with a 360 degree camera looking for red squares.
Christmas rebuild task complete, on to challenge solutions!